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এই ওয়েবসাইটটি শুধুমাত্র বাংলাদেশ থেকে প্রবেশযোগ্য বলে মনে
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Analysis of the website
Trust score
Very low
Warning, only for experienced users!
Negative points
Internet users have indicated that they are subject to an unsolicited subscription.
The domain name associated with this website is relatively new.
Short life expectancy domain
This domain name is linked to one or more countries known for their use by fraudulent websites.
The scoring provided by ScamDoc is calculated via a complex algorithm using several dozens of technical criteria. It reflects the confidence that it is advised to have in the context of an exchange with a digital correspondent (website or email). The publishers of the ScamDoc site do not intervene to influence this score on a particular site or email.
Website owners can request a review of the score by providing additional information via this form.
Detailed information about
Domain creation date | 05/21/2024 (Less than one year) |
Domain expiration date | 05/21/2025 (Less than 6 months left) |
Owner identification in the Whois | The owner of the domain name is identified partially:
Name/Company Postal address Phone Mail Country (Bahamas) |
Information regarding the website's publisher | Identification INOVATECH SOLUTIONS LTD Jawaharlal Neru n.28, Silver Center, fl.2, office 64. 1324 Sofia, Bulgaria Additional legal information Entreprise individuelle à responsabilité limitée (SARL) CN 207787211 Date of creation: 2024 Source(s) Other website(s) of the legal entity |
User reviews on Scamdoc | Currently, no reviews have been left for this website