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Welcome to ScamDoc!

ScamDoc is a web tool that evaluates the trust of "digital identities" (email addresses or websites).

It answers common questions from Internet users:

  • How can I check if a website is legit?
  • How can I detect fraudulent emails?
  • How much trust should I place in a website or an online contact?

When should I use this website?

The use of ScamDoc is free and unlimited. As such, this site can be used by anybody who wishes to get information before a purchase or during an exchange with an unknown contact.

How it works

ScamDoc uses a web service called ScamPredictor. Developed by the platform team, it uses artificial intelligence to classify websites and emails. Simply enter an email or website URL to receive a detailed report with a trust score!

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Best Practice

Report Scams Easily on

Join the fight against online scams by using Report fraudulent activities and share your experiences to help others. Stay informed about the latest scam tactics and protect yourself with community-driven insights. Visit and contribute to a safer online environment.


How To Spot Fake Amazon Reviews?

Uncover fake Amazon reviews and prevent scams. Learn strategies and tools for detecting bogus reviews, particularly in categories like tech gadgets and personal care products. Safeguard your purchases by scrutinizing seller profiles and utilizing online review analysis tools. Stay alert and shop with confidence.


Understanding Chargebacks: Get Your Money Back

Discover how to recover your funds from unauthorized transactions, duplicate charges, or missing items. Grasp the steps for initiating a chargeback with major credit card companies, handle disputes, and safeguard against fraud. Use our detailed guide to resolve merchant issues, submit requests, and appeal decisions to ensure refunds. Stay informed and protected.

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