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Analysis of the website
Trust score
Very low
Warning, only for experienced users!
Good points
A HTTPS security protocol has been detected on this website. Be careful, this indicator is not always synonymous with security!
Negative points
This site does not clearly display the identity of its owner or its publisher.
This site appears to display risky commercial activities or activities sometimes subject to controversy (Dropshipping, Financial investments...)
Displaying a trust mark, quality mark or equivalent without having obtained the necessary authorisation.
The scoring provided by ScamDoc is calculated via a complex algorithm using several dozens of technical criteria. It reflects the confidence that it is advised to have in the context of an exchange with a digital correspondent (website or email). The publishers of the ScamDoc site do not intervene to influence this score on a particular site or email.
Website owners can request a review of the score by providing additional information via this form.
Domain creation date | 03/22/2024 (Less than one year) |
Domain expiration date | 03/22/2025 (Less than 6 months left) |
Owner identification in the Whois | The owner of the domain name is identified partially:
Name/Company Postal address Phone Mail Country (United States) |
Negative reviews detected on the Internet | |
User reviews on Scamdoc | (Average rating of 1 out of 1 Review)
1 Review / Comment
Reviews and comments left by Internet users are sorted in chronological order and are not checked a priori
up votedown vote
Mario Dings 04/19/2024 at 03:56 AM
Rating:Let op, grote oplichting. heeft niks te maken met Lidl.