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More investigations are necessary
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A HTTPS security protocol has been detected on this website. Be careful, this indicator is not always synonymous with security!
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The owner of the domain name associated with this site is hidden in the Whois database.
The scoring provided by ScamDoc is calculated via a complex algorithm using several dozens of technical criteria. It reflects the confidence that it is advised to have in the context of an exchange with a digital correspondent (website or email). The publishers of the ScamDoc site do not intervene to influence this score on a particular site or email.
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Detailed information about
Domain creation date | 08/18/2022 (Over 2 years) |
Domain expiration date | 08/18/2024 (Less than 6 months left) |
Owner identification in the Whois | |
User reviews on Scamdoc | (Average rating of 3 out of 2 Reviews)
2 Reviews / Comments
Reviews and comments left by Internet users are sorted in chronological order and are not checked a priori
up votedown vote
Jeromero7pp 08/17/2023 at 04:52 PM
Rating:Although his vip combat arms hack worked, the owner is very sketchy af and scammed me outta 150 euros. He was in my discords dms convincing me that there was another hack feature he developed which gave access to all weapon list which he lied about and myself was too dumb to realize and send ltc to him. He tried avoiding my msgs excuses and excuses and did not refund my money. Definitely avoid this guy. Add me on disc for full convo screenshots or the gallery of it here
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up votedown vote
pino 02/24/2024 at 07:42 AM
Rating:i've bought everything is ok!